You will never break the chain…

With today being Mick Fleetwood’s birthday, today felt like a great day to talk about a band close to my heart… Fleetwood Mac.

More specifically, I want to talk about their “Rumours” album which features one of my all-time favourite songs… EVER.

I’d always loved the song “The Chain”, which is a song that ended up being heavily used in the Marvel Studios film “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”.

It’s the type of song that really highlights how trapped you can feel in certain relationships and captures the building tension in those relationships that can cause those “chains” to break.

The song starts slow with a calm beat, which leads you into a false of security as to the tempo of the song. When the guitar riff starts to ramp up, so does the intensity as we head into the final third of the song. It’s really something that needs to be experienced, if you’ve never heard of the song.

I’m not going to go into a huge musical essay on the song. There’s dedicated musical blogs that could do the song justice far more than I ever could. However, I did want to talk about the day in which I fell in love with the band itself…

Once upon a time, I was stuck in a car jam about five minutes outside of my house. I was on my way to work and unfortunately, a massive car accident caused massive traffic for hours on that day… literal hours.

This was very early into my new job as well, so I was already trepidatious about being late. However, now I was stuck in my small car and unable to get anywhere far.

Fortunately for me, I had recently bought a CD for about £2.00 which just so happened to be the “Rumours” album from Fleetwood Mac. I’d never heard the whole album in one go so I whacked the album into the CD player and let it play.

The album was such a joy to listen to and really helped me take my mind off what was a bad situation. I’d never heard the full album up until this point and I really had a blast in jamming to these songs.

Because of this experience, Fleetwood Mac really does have a soft place in my heart as a rock band. Therefore, I wish Mick Fleetwood a very happy birthday! If you’ve never listened to the “Rumours” album from Fleetwood Mac, track it down and play it. Seriously, you won’t regret it.

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