
Daily writing prompt
Write about your first crush.

I guess it’s finally time for me to talk about my love life on this blog! There isn’t much to speak of when it comes to romance in my life but I do remember my first crush very well. She’s not somebody I think about lot nowadays but you’ll always remember the first time you get a crush. I’m no exception!

Her name was Victoria and she was my first crush while I was in school. I just had such the hots for her and unfortunately for me, I never exactly hid it well! As soon as I let it slip to one person that I liked her, most of the school pretty much knew from that point on! Gossip spread like wildfire at our school!

TOP TIP: Do not tell a friend in school that you have a crush on someone, boys and girls! If you want it to be a secret, keep it until yourself until you’re ready to act! Otherwise, that secret won’t stay a secret for long!

In hindsight, I really wish I didn’t say a word about it because it made things completely murky between the two of us. We got on OK up until that point but as soon as she was privy to this school gossip, she pretty much distanced herself from me. It was somewhat of a bummer that I had feelings for a girl, who never reciprocated them. However, it was more of a bummer that we rarely spoke after that… all over a stupid crush.

Don’t get me wrong… she wasn’t like a terrible person or anything like that (at least, I don’t thinks she was). I also understand why she distanced herself from me. However, our interactions just became super awkward so we just rarely spoke afterwards and I had quickly gotten over my crush. Think of it as two ships passing in the night.

The funny thing is though is that I still get updates about her on Facebook! I don’t have her as a Facebook friend (and I’m about 90% certain she’d just reject it if I sent the request now!) but I’m still friends on Facebook with someone who is extremely close to her. They’d post photos of her and she still looks very similar to how I remembered her in school.

She still had straight, long blonde hair and had a perky smile that I’d fallen for when I was a kid. She appears to be living a good life and I think she may actually be engaged right now. I’m kinda speculating from the top of my head but I don’t see anything negative posted about her or anything like that. She seems to be doing OK!

It’s just strange thinking about what could have been with our first crushes. Think about your own first crush. Would you be living with a different Mr. or Mrs. Right today or would you be living with someone whose lives took an unfortunate turn for the worst? Do you still hear anything about your first crush and what happened to them? Heck… did you MARRY your first crush?

All I’ll say is that Victoria was definitely somebody that I remember and it was honestly really nice to get those butterflies in my stomach for the first time. Feeling any kind of love is a great feeling of anxiety and excitement in your life that we really should strive for. So here’s to you Victoria… thank you for being my first crush!

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