Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away…

Daily writing prompt
How do you want to retire?

I don’t necessarily have a plan for how I’ll spend life while retired. Currently in my 30s, I’m pretty much getting my ducks in a row for the rest of my life! I still have yet to really have a deep-dive look into my pensions, my finances, etc. It’s not like I have a 20-30 year timescale for how my retirement will go down.

However, I’d like to think that I could retire in my mid-50s… yes, I’m being EXTREMELY OPTIMISTIC! As long as I was able to save up enough money to happily enjoy the rest of my life on my own terms, I’d like to wrap up in my mid-50s and travel the world. I’d like to tick things of a bucket list and travel to places I’ve always wanted to travel and attend certain sporting events like the Super Bowl.

I think a big reason for that is that I simply don’t spend a lot of time doing those things now. I’ve spent the last 7 years or so of employment mostly saving for things like a deposit for my new house (which I bought in 2020 and I’ve, for some reason, brought up in my last two blog posts when answering daily prompts! I swear it’s not intentional!) and all the renovations I’ve done for my house. As sad as it may sound, you can’t save towards such costs and have an extravagant life too.

Therefore, it feels only right to do those things when I’m older. I was once told that you work when you’re young so you don’t have to do it when you’re older. There’s an element of truth to that. Do I really want to be still working when I’m 65 years old for example and needing to get by? Will I even be alive to make it to 65 years old?

Before this conversation gets incredibly deep and morbid, I’m going to wrap this post up by saying this. I will feel a lot better about my life if I’m able to enjoy the fruits of my labour when I retire, and live out the rest of my days doing things I’ve always wanted to do. If I’m able to do that when I’m retired, then I think I’ll be able to die with pride. 🙂

So come fly with me! Let’s fly, let’s fly awaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy…

Plane Blue” by James Frid/ CC0 1.0

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